Dozens of high school clubs are available in the largest schools, while smaller schools may have only a few. Clubs that are sanctioned by the school administration often fall into one or more of four categories. These categories are community service, fund raising, career awareness and interpersonal dynamics. Most clubs will have some sort of fund raising activities, regardless of the stated purpose of the club.
Career oriented clubs are mostly self-explanatory. Students might be interested in engineering, science, agriculture or teaching. You can find organizations for each of these career fields and others in most high schools. For students who have interests in particular fields, career related clubs allows for networking with other people with the same interests. The structure of the career club may allow for speakers at club meetings. or working in intern programs under adult members of the particular career.
Community service clubs at the high school level are also usually linked to adult clubs that perform the same function. Some examples of service clubs are Red Cross, Kiwanis Key Club and the Lions Club. Students join these clubs in many cases to fulfill a school requirement for a certain number of hours of community service prior to graduation. These community service organizations might be nationally known or might be specific to a local need.
Fund raising clubs are also a popular choice, especially if the young people can get linked to world wide organizations. These funds are often raised for a particular cause or problem. Examples of this is causes related to the environment or funding cancer research. The students may obtain pledges from others to raise awareness of an event.
Interpersonal dynamics organizations, also known as social clubs, usually have no particular driving purpose, other than for students of common social interests to meet and gather. The last group is a group that can be vary different from school to school. It might revolve around cultural groups, religious bonds, hobbies or talents. An informal or formal group of musicians might become a band. Students might form a dance group for learning and presenting folk dances.
High school organizations fulfill a need for people to be part of a group. Structure and knowledge of the clubs by the teachers and administrators of the school lends an air of knowledge and cooperation. Although there is an investment of time by educators, they tend to recognize the value of the organizations. Often, class time is allowed in order to encourage students to work on club projects.
Humans are social creatures, and teen students seem to have a greater need to be associated with peers. At the same time, A productive club or project helps to encourage a team effort as opposed to single activities. Some types of club activities that would seem like just plain hard work will be fun when a group of people are involved and working together.
If you have kids of high school age, encouragement is the way to get them involved in extracurricular activities. High school clubs should be something selected by the student, not mandated. A variety of choices ensure that students will be able to find a club in which to participate.
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